Are Government Bonds A Good Investment
A bond is a. Bond unit trusts. Where Can I Buy Government Bonds Investment in Government bonds are always deemed good and safe. Are government bonds a good investment . Are Government Bonds A Good Investment. This is a collective investment structure that can hold a wide range of South African government and even corporate bonds selected by. The government bonds are good investments because of the following reasons. Government is considered to be risk-free usually. But if you sell it before maturity then the bond will be sold at the current market value which is a price people are. But bonds are never entirely risk-free. The G- sec or gilt edged securities as they are called in trade parlance offer the Bonds issued by Centre or State Govt through RBI counters for and on behalf of GOI to finance their developmental activities facing revenue collection shortages and hence called as defecit financing. They are issued by the US. Liquidity can be easily managed dependi...