No Hard Inquiry Credit Cards
Be at least 18 years of age. Most credit card issuers will do a hard pull on your credit report not like what they see and then deny you. What Is A Soft Inquiry Experian This can sometimes result in. No hard inquiry credit cards . Soft pull credit cards let you check for pre-approval and request a credit limit increase without a hard credit inquiry. Most soft pull credit cards do not however allow you to open a new account without a hard inquiry. There are no credit checks so no credit inquiry will be recorded in your credit file. Banks dont like to see someone who is desperate for credit when youre a thin file ie. To signup with credit strong. The OpenSky Secured Visa Credit Card is a rarity even among secured credit cards in that it allows you to qualify without a bank account or any kind of credit check. That could be a big plus if youve been having trouble qualifying for a credit card and are tired of waiting days for an approval decision only to be. Admin - M...