Starting Credit Score
Once you get one or more credit accounts on your credit report and start using them youll receive a FICO Score. A perfect credit score of 850 is hard to get but an excellent credit score is more achievable. What Is My Starting Credit Score Discover Once you have established credit your first credit score could range anywhere from lower than 500 to well in the 700s depending on your initial financial performance. Starting credit score . Once you begin to establish a credit history you might assume that your credit score will start at 300 the lowest possible FICO Score. But this still doesnt answer what credit score do you start with. Open a UK bank account If you havent already got one having a UK bank account benefits your credit report in three ways. Five factors go into the equation that calculates your initial and subsequent ratings. The only connection between your first credit score and the scoring metrics would be the age of your credit profile. While you likely wont...